Euripides - Bacchae

Euripides - Bacchae

About Aaron Poochigian’s translation

“Poochigian’s translation is a triumph—a remarkably lucid and vibrant rendition . . . The script’s language is precise yet sonorous, expertly constructed in iambic pentameter to both moving and chilling effect.”

--Aram Kouyoumdjian, Asbarez

Aristophanes: Four Plays (Clouds, Birds, Lysistrata, Women of the Assembly)

Aristophanes: Four Plays

Clouds, Birds, Lysistrata, Women of the Assembly

Translated from Ancient Greek by Aaron Poochigian

Now available for Order from Liveright (W. W. Norton)

Aeschylus - Persians, Seven against Thebes, and Suppliants

Persians, Seven against Thebes, and Suppliants


translated, with an introduction and notes, by Aaron Poochigian
Johns Hopkins New Translations from Antiquity

Order now.

"Faithful to the Greek, and—just as importantly—faithful to the English, Poochigian's translations are vivid, sufficiently rapid, and dramatically forceful." —Stephen Scully, Boston University

Sappho - Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments

Sappho -Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Aaron Poochigian Available August 2009 in the UK and October 2009 in the US "In these wonderful new translations by Aaron Poochigian we hear the voice of a great and enduring poet in our ear again." — Carol Ann Duffy, Poet Laureate of the UK 'Girls, chase the violet-bosomed Muses’ bright Gifts and the plangent lyre, lover of hymns'

Poetry Translation